Thursday, 13 September 2012

Great Tips To Put Down The Cigarettes For Good

Quitting smoking seems like an impossible task to most, and building the will power to do it can be daunting. The information and ideas you find in this article will help get you started on your journey to a healthy life as a non-smoker.

A change in outlook can be useful if you want to stop smoking but don't want to opt for cessation methods. If you can take it day by day, you'll find it's far easier to handle. Also, try to change your routine as much as possible to alter your overall lifestyle.

Have a conversation with your doctor that includes a discussion of medications that can assist in quitting. There are more new products on the market than ever that are designed specifically to help people quit smoking. From oral medications to nicotine patches, there are a number of treatment options to help you deal with nicotine withdrawal. Consult your doctor for guidance and recommendations.

Thinking in a positive way and being motivated are key parts in quitting smoking. Try to imagine how fulfilled your life will become when you finally quit. Think about how much better you and your home will smell once you've made the change to stopping smoking. While it is good to know the many negative impacts of smoking, for many people, remembering the positive benefits of quitting can be even more helpful.

Realize that quitting smoking is something positive in your life, rather than something negative. Staying positive helps you keep going when quitting gets difficult and helps you more quickly kick the habit. Remember how very valuable it will be in your life, and how the pros of quitting far outweigh the cons. This will keep you motivated and give you true reasons to quit now.

Don't try doing it yourself. Enlist the help of your friends and family. Also, try to reach out to a support group for advice and counseling. Just talking with others that are on the same journey as you can give you more inspiration and strength to finally quit.

If you wish to steer clear of strong cravings and feelings of withdrawal, see if you can come up with healthy methods for managing stress. You could try new hobbies, massage, or strenuous exercise during peak cravings. When you have downtime, surround yourself with pleasant distractions, such as good books, scheduled chats with friends or new games.

Stop smoking this instant. If you are truly ready, do not set a quit date many weeks from now; quit today or even tomorrow. By quitting immediately, you lower your chances of succumbing to a possibly fatal disease. This is also stops you from hurting others with secondhand smoke, especially those closest to you.

Speak with a medical professional about any stop smoking aids that are good for quitting. New innovations for giving up smoking appear regularly. These options might be prescription or over-the-counter and many are quite new to the market, meaning you're likely to find one that works for you. Your doctor is your best resource for finding a medication that will help you stop smoking.

Replace your smoking habit with a healthy one like exercise. Exercising will help flush your body from the toxins of cigarettes and increase your energy levels. You will be less likely to turn back the progress on all your hard work by smoking if you have a steady workout routine.

Spend time at places that don't allow smoking when you are trying to quit. Try going to a marathon of movies at a cheap theater, or go to an art museum with a couple of friends. Do not sit in the smoking areas of venues you visit. Keeping yourself away from the ability to smoke, will help you get past cravings.

Use the Internet to find support. Participate in online support groups. You will find an abundance of websites created to assist people with their desire to stop smoking. It's a great way to compare different outlooks and methods before you become disheartened or begin to doubt yourself. Furthermore, other quitters will be poised to offer guidance as you all face the same challenges and hurdles.

If you have an oral fixation associated with your smoking habit, find new ways to occupy your mouth. Some individuals find that chewing gum or eating a piece of candy can help. Others use electronic cigarettes, which mimics the act of smoking, and provides something to hold in the hand as well.

You might have used smoking when you are feeling stressed. Find other techniques you can use to relax when you feel stressed. Meditation, music and yoga are some good ideas to try. They can reduce the severity of your cravings for a cigarette and help to reduce stress.

Cut back before you quit. This is the first step to reaching your goal of a smoke-free life. Upon waking, wait one hour before having your first daily smoke. Try smoking only a half cigarette in order to help you cut back on how much you smoke.

To help quit smoking, find an item you can play with in your hands to replace a cigarette. Maybe you would be comfortable holding a toothpick in your mouth to combat the oral fixation. You can also use mints or gum. Avoid food as a supplement for your oral habit. Eating during cravings can lead to issues with weight, and nutrition control.

Try quitting with a friend. Partner with another "quitter" at work or at home and help each other out. Besides the support you can give to one another, you might be able to start with some hobbies or other activities that will make the quit process easier. You and your buddy can also share the advice and techniques that are working best for you.

Investigate the side effects of treatments that help you to quit smoking, such as atropine or scopolamine. Although they might can reduce your cravings for nicotine, they could also negatively impact your nervous system. Some of the potential side effects are dizziness, visual impairment, constipation, and difficulty urinating. You shouldn't replace an addiction problem with some other serious heath problems.

Because of the addictive nature of nicotine, quitting smoking is very difficult. Stopping can be so hard for people, both physically and emotionally. Use the information in this article and make it easier on yourself. With a little hard work, determination and the knowledge you've gained here, you will quit for good

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